Did you know, that Anise can prevents colics?
Anise offers many nutrients which support the digestive tract.
They act in an antispasmodic way so that the respective organs become relaxed.
Anise can even be a preventive measure for horses that often have a colic.
Additionally this medicinal herb has healing effects for the coat:
in summer times you can just lubricate it on the horse so that flys and other annoying parasite will sty off. You can mix 10-25 g into the daily hay ration- horses like the taste of anise so that they will possibly even eat refused fodder.
Surf tips:
- Foxglove – extremely toxic for horses and humans
- Monkshood- the most poisonous plant plant in whole Europe
- St. James-Ragwort: very poisonous and an acute threat for horses
- St John´s wort – beautiful flower but toxic effects for horses
—All statements without guarantee—
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