Did you know, that Anise can prevents colics?
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Did you know, that Anise can prevents colics?

Anise offers many nutrients which support the digestive tract. They act in an antispasmodic way so that the respective organs become relaxed. Anise can even be a preventive measure for horses that often have a colic. Additionally this medicinal herb has healing effects for the coat: in summer times you can just lubricate it on…

Foxglove – extremely toxic for horses and humans

Foxglove – extremely toxic for horses and humans

Beware of this beautiful plant! All species are extremely toxic and if horses eat too many flowers this can cause cardiac arrest. There are different species of this plant: the most popular Red Foxglove (purpurea), the Big-Flowered Foxglove (grandiflora), the Yellow Foxglove (lutea) and the Woolly Foxglove (lanata). Even if they differ from the color…

Did you know, that Camomile calms down nervous horses?
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Did you know, that Camomile calms down nervous horses?

Camomile offers plenty of healing substitudes and is famous for its calming effects. The camomile blossom can be really helpful if horses are excited due to a competition or if nervous horses often provide colics. Moreover this medicinal herb improves the general condition of the horse. In form of an ointment you can lubricate it…

Calcium, Potassium and Co – All information about Electrolytes

Calcium, Potassium and Co – All information about Electrolytes

Often food packages or veterinarian magazines deal with electrolytes. But what are electrolytes and why do they have such an important function for the organism? Here you can find a detailed description. Generally electrolytes are electrical and conductive substances. Often they are called minerals and are essential for the function of the whole organism. A…