Alpin Rose: beautiful flowers but toxic effects!
The beautiful flowers can easily be deceptive.
However one needs to be really careful with Alpin Roses. Especially for horses their flowers, leaves, berries and nectar have poisonous substances.
The Alpin Rose belongs to the genus of Rhododendron
In general the Alpin Rose can be categorized into the Hairy and the Rusty-leaved Alpin Rose. Both species belong to the genus of Rhododendron and therefore to the heath family.
The toxic substance is called Acetylandromedol which has for horses even more poisonous effects than for humans. Unfortunately until today we do not know about the certain dose which causes death but in any case one needs to be careful.
The bush can grow up to 120 cm and has red-violet flowers. Generally Alpin Roses grow in the alpine region in Europe but some people plant this ornamental plant in their garden.
In general one needs to control all places where horses are without supervision (e.g. pastures) if there are any poisonous plants.
Surf tips:
- Foxglove – extremely toxic for horses and humans
- Monkshood- the most poisonous plant plant in whole Europe
- St. James-Ragwort: very poisonous and an acute threat for horses
- St John´s wort – beautiful flower but toxic effects for horses
—All statements without guarantee—